Apr 192013

Imperial Vault News ItemA new download has been sent in by Pilgrimski, and can be found over in the Downloads section. This is a clever little spreadsheet that can generate treasures from the Roleplay Book at the click of a button, saving the time spent rolling on treasure tables in your games of Warhammer Quest. Pilgrimski has also provided a blank version of the generator, perfect for creating your own random events and treasures.

In other news, a link to Maike05’s  “Free Dungeon Tiles to Print” website has been added to the Links section. Here you can find lots of free board sections for Warhammer Quest and other games, suitable to download, print and use in your games. Thanks Maike05!

Thank you to both Pilgrimski and Maike05 for sending these in.

Aug 222012
Imperial Vault News Item

Here is a dynamic gallery of all things Warhammer Quest on Flickr. Very useful inspiration for your own projects, and just seeing what the community are up to!

[flickr-gallery mode=”search” text =”warhammer quest” privacy_filter=”1″  per_page=”32″ tag_mode=”all”]

Aug 222012
CG rendering of a Warhammer Chaos Marauder, from the forthcoming Warhammer Quest computer game

Rodeo Games and Games Workshop have announced a computer game version of Warhammer Quest. Due for release Spring 2013, at the moment, much like their e-book offerings, it looks like this will be exclusively sold through the Apple App Store for their popular iPad and iPhone devises, rather than as a console or PC game, and there is no mention of expanding this for Android devices at a later date.

Rodeo are due to attend Games Day 2012 in the UK so hopefully more information about this game will be forthcoming then.

Hopefully this means we can look forward to some lovely new artwork and ideas for the venerable tabletop version of the game, and hopefully a legion of people interested in picking up the game. Who knows, if the game is massively popular, perhaps Games Workshop will even consider reviving or freeing Warhammer Quest for the fans!

The screenshots of the game from the announcement on the Games Workshop “What’s New Today” blog look amazing, and make sure you check out the official trailer from Rodeo on YouTube. This is particularly exciting off the back of the ‘Free Warhammer Quest‘ campaign and impassioned letters and emails penned over the years by this author and many others.

The official announcement from Games Workshop can be found here, and the announcement from Rodeo Games here.

CG rendering of a Warhammer Chaos Marauder, from the forthcoming Warhammer Quest computer game

Jul 062012
Sample of one of the new Warhammer Quest Board Section - the Waterfall Room - available to download

Sample of one of the new Warhammer Quest Board Section - the Waterfall Room - available to downloadA new Board Section has been added to the Downloads section. Another of Talion’s fine creations – and complete with Dungeon Card to print out – this should slot into your games easily.

In other news, Talion’s other board sections have been converted to PDFs to download in place of Zip files. This should make them easier to print, and Talion has also improved the border around the image which is now a bit thicker. The Dungeon Cards are still included in the PDF versions so each tile is still easily packaged as one complete download.

Thanks again Talion!

Jul 052012
Preview of new Warhammer Quest Reference sheet contributed by Universal Head

Preview of new Warhammer Quest Reference sheet contributed by Universal HeadA new Warhammer Quest play sheet has been added to the Warhammer Quest Downloads section. This single sheet reference is a PDF guide to playing Warhammer Quest, and was kindly donated by Universal Head. There are lots of reference guides over on the Headless Hollow site, so go check it out if you like any kind of board game.
This reference guide has a very quick overview of how to play the game, including the order in which things are done, when to turn over new cards and so on, and is therefore mostly useful to new or more casual players, although experienced players may still find it handy to have around.

Thanks Universal Head!

Jun 262012
A sample of the board sections contributed by Talion78

A sample of the board sections contributed by Talion78Fourteen new Warhammer Quest Board Sections have been kindly donated to the Vault by Talion78, including a complete set of Caverns-themed board sections as well as some unique concepts like the Hall of Time and Chasm. All board sections are accompanied by a dungeon card to print out so that they can be slotted directly into your game.

You can find the new board sections over in the new Warhammer Quest Downloads section.

Thanks Talion!

May 212012
A Sample Warhammer Quest Board Section from the set contribnuted by Jonathan Uziak

A Sample Warhammer Quest Board Section from the set contribnuted by Jonathan UziakJonathan Uziak of usiakart.com has kindly contributed no fewer than eleven Custom Board sections for Warhammer Quest. These Board Sections are original work by Jonathan, and the set includes some varied Board Sections for your games of Warhammer Quest, from passageways to Dungeon Rooms and Objective Rooms. You can check out Jonathan’s Board Sections in the Downloads section and his other work over on usiakart.com. Thanks Jonathan!

May 142012

New Event Cards have been added to the Downloads section. Contributed by Styfen, these PDF downloads represent complete Dungeon Event decks that can be used in place of rolling on the Dungeon Events table in the Roleplay book. Download them and glue them to card using your glue of choice (photo-mounting spray glue makes this a doddle) and keep that game of Warhammer Quest moving! The downloads include blank card backs to help you create your own cards.

May 142012
Image of custom board section by Sebastian Stuart, entitled Underwater Chamber

Image of custom board section by Sebastian Stuart, entitled Underwater ChamberThe first board section has been added to the Downloads section. To kick things off we have a custom Warhammer Quest board section submitted by Sebastian Stuart of sebastian-stuart.com & eastern-empire.com. This board section is brand new tile created by Seb, and features a sunken chamber for the Warriors to wade through. Seb has promised more sections are on the way and we’ll be posting his board sections as we get them, so watch this space!

May 112012
Warhammer Quest News

Warhammer Quest News
The Engineers have been working away at the site recently, and we are pleased to present the new Downloads section. Here you will find any board sections, dungeon cards, spreadsheets and other Warhammer Quest resources available for download.

Like what you see? Want more downloads? Have something to share with other Warhammer Quest players? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or by using the Contact page.