A crowd of excited citizens, protesting at the increase in taxes proposed by the burgomeister and his officials, fill the streets as an impassable, jeering mob. You are caught up and carried along by the crowd toward a cordon of the City Watch, halberds raised to repel the rioters…
Make an Pinning roll as if to escape from being pinned by a Monster. If you succeed, you manage to break free of the crowd and dart down a side alley before the inevitable violence. If you fail, you and a large number of the real rioters are beaten unconscious by the Watch. Upon recovery, you are fined 1d6 x 10 Gold for public disorder. You must pay up or spend 1d3 days in gaol, during which time you may not perform any Settlement Activities, generate Settlement Events or pay living expenses.
Navigation here is difficult, the Leader must pass a Fear Test as if against a Monster with a Dungeon Level equal to (his Battle Level + 3). Success indicates that he is not intimidated by the strange local phenomena and no time is wasted. A failure indicates that the party lose themselves in the strange landscape and add an extra two weeks to their remaining journey time.
The Warriors can skirt around the beast or investigate further. If they choose to investigate, roll 1d6 to see what type of beast it is:
- 1: Wolf (50g)
- 2: Two-Headed Wolf (150g)
- 3: Panther (200g)
- 4: Cold-One (500g)
- 5: Yhetti (750g)
- 6: Quarg (1000g)
Roll again to see what happens:
- 1: The beast lashes out causing one random Warrior enough lasting damage for them to be at -1d3 Starting Wounds for the next Adventure.
- 2: The beast strikes out at one random Warrior, leaving them with -1 Starting Wound for the next Adventure.
- 3: The beast flees with the energy of a wild animal cornered and you never see it again.
- 4+ The beast expires, leaving you with 1d3+1 provisions and its pelt, worth the amount shown next to the type of beast rolled on the table above.
Each day, you may chose to roll 2d6 as you keep an eye out for criminals in addition to going about your business. On 10+ you have spotted someone off the posters. Bounty Hunters add +2 to their roll. If you succeed, roll 1d6 to see what happens:
Each Warrior rolls 1d6:
1: Putrid – Despite appearances, the water tastes as if something dead has been left in there. You suffer -1 Toughness for the duration if the next Adventure.
2: Tainted – The water leaves a faint green sheen on your lips. You suffer -1 Starting Wound, permanently.
3: Clean – A refreshing drink leaves you with a spring in your step!
4-5: Pure – You feel so refreshed that you gain +1 Starting Wound permanently.
6: Blessed – All your attacks in the next Adventure count as Magical.
The map is clear: the town should be over the next hill. Only there shouldn’t be so many hills…
You are hopelessly off course and must add 1d6 weeks to the remaining Journey time.
In the crowded street, no-one notices the skilful fingers of the Thieves’ Guild relieving the Warriors of their money.
Your Warrior loses 1d6 x 100 x (Title*) Gold.
*Battle Leve 1 = 1, BL 2-4 = 2, BL 5-8 = 3, BL 9-10 = 4, corresponding to the titles Novice, Champion, Hero and Lord.
You check the damaged map again, sighing with frustration as you contemplate the many inaccuracies contained within and cursing the village ‘cartographer’ that produced it.
Each remaining week of travel, roll 1d6. On a 1, add 1d3 weeks to the remaining journey time.
The hills in these parts are home to all kinds of beasts, and worse…
You have encountered a group of Monsters making their way across the countryside. Roll 1d6 to determine their level:
- 1 – Two levels above the Dungeon Level
- 2-3 – One level above the Dungeon Level
- 4-5 – The same as the Dungeon Level
- 6 – One level below the Dungeon Level
Generate the Monsters using the usual mechanism for your games. The Warriors may chose to fight the Monsters and earn the normal treasure card, or they may flee by using the Escape Table in the Adventure book to represent the Monsters hunting them down. They may add +2 to their rolls on the Escape Table.
A dark obelisk has been raised in the hills, and the ground is littered with shards of what appears to be the same dark stone. Feeling unwell, the Wizard realises he cannot touch the Winds of Magic in these hills, and you fear what will happen if you press on through the shadow of that fearful dark monument.
If the party continue through the hills, the Wizard, Elf Ranger, Warrior Priest and other spell casters must make a WP test (1d6 + WP) requiring a total of 7+ to succeed. A fail indicates that their ability to affect the Winds of Magic has been affected. A Wizard starts the next game with half his Power Store used and earns one less point of Power per turn for the duration of the Adventure. Rangers, Priests and other spell casters that require a dice roll to cast spells suffer a penalty of -1 to cast for the duration of the Adventure.
If the party instead opt to avoid the area, then add 1d3 Weeks to the remaining journey time.