The map is clear: the town should be over the next hill. Only there shouldn’t be so many hills…
You are hopelessly off course and must add 1d6 weeks to the remaining Journey time.
The door behind you bursts open, and a tide of enemies pours through. Before you have time to draw breath, your blade is up, frantically parrying, as you try and recover from the shock of this unexpected assault.
Generate a new batch of Monsters using the Monster Tables for the appropriate Battle Level. Place these Monsters in the usual way. All of the Monsters generated have the Ambush special rule may therefore attack immediately. Take a treasure card as normal if they are defeated.
In the crowded street, no-one notices the skilful fingers of the Thieves’ Guild relieving the Warriors of their money.
Your Warrior loses 1d6 x 100 x (Title*) Gold.
*Battle Leve 1 = 1, BL 2-4 = 2, BL 5-8 = 3, BL 9-10 = 4, corresponding to the titles Novice, Champion, Hero and Lord.
You check the damaged map again, sighing with frustration as you contemplate the many inaccuracies contained within and cursing the village ‘cartographer’ that produced it.
Each remaining week of travel, roll 1d6. On a 1, add 1d3 weeks to the remaining journey time.
The hills in these parts are home to all kinds of beasts, and worse…
You have encountered a group of Monsters making their way across the countryside. Roll 1d6 to determine their level:
- 1 – Two levels above the Dungeon Level
- 2-3 – One level above the Dungeon Level
- 4-5 – The same as the Dungeon Level
- 6 – One level below the Dungeon Level
Generate the Monsters using the usual mechanism for your games. The Warriors may chose to fight the Monsters and earn the normal treasure card, or they may flee by using the Escape Table in the Adventure book to represent the Monsters hunting them down. They may add +2 to their rolls on the Escape Table.
A new Board Section has been added to the Downloads section. Another of Talion’s fine creations – and complete with Dungeon Card to print out – this should slot into your games easily.
In other news, Talion’s other board sections have been converted to PDFs to download in place of Zip files. This should make them easier to print, and Talion has also improved the border around the image which is now a bit thicker. The Dungeon Cards are still included in the PDF versions so each tile is still easily packaged as one complete download.
Thanks again Talion!
A dark obelisk has been raised in the hills, and the ground is littered with shards of what appears to be the same dark stone. Feeling unwell, the Wizard realises he cannot touch the Winds of Magic in these hills, and you fear what will happen if you press on through the shadow of that fearful dark monument.
If the party continue through the hills, the Wizard, Elf Ranger, Warrior Priest and other spell casters must make a WP test (1d6 + WP) requiring a total of 7+ to succeed. A fail indicates that their ability to affect the Winds of Magic has been affected. A Wizard starts the next game with half his Power Store used and earns one less point of Power per turn for the duration of the Adventure. Rangers, Priests and other spell casters that require a dice roll to cast spells suffer a penalty of -1 to cast for the duration of the Adventure.
If the party instead opt to avoid the area, then add 1d3 Weeks to the remaining journey time.
A new Warhammer Quest play sheet has been added to the Warhammer Quest Downloads section. This single sheet reference is a PDF guide to playing Warhammer Quest, and was kindly donated by Universal Head. There are lots of reference guides over on the Headless Hollow site, so go check it out if you like any kind of board game.
This reference guide has a very quick overview of how to play the game, including the order in which things are done, when to turn over new cards and so on, and is therefore mostly useful to new or more casual players, although experienced players may still find it handy to have around.
Thanks Universal Head!
A particularly smelly, flea-bitten dog has taken to following you around, begging for scraps.
So unpleasant is it to be near the smelly creature that all purchases and living expenses you pay cost an extra 20%, and rolls on the Alehouse Events table are at -1 for as long as the animal remains – this is the next 1d6+3 days, unless the Warrior gives the dog 1d6 rations, or kills the the dog (and paying 500g for the funeral. Chaos Warriors need not pay!).
The river before you is slow, deep and an unnaturally dark colour. You see no signs of life within its inky depths and when you fill your water skin you are horrified to see that the ‘water’ is a deep crimson and brown colour. Dropping the skin in fear, you hasten to tell the others, hoping your stomach doesn’t betray you first…
Every Warrior must pass a Fear test as if against a Monster with a Fear rating determined by rolling 1d6 on the table below:
- 1 – DL+6
- 2 – DL+5
- 3-4 – DL + 4
- 5 – DL+3
- 6 – DL + 2
If one or more of the Warriors fail their test, add +1d3 Weeks to the remaining journey time.