This is the gallery for models of Warhammer Quest Monsters, including the official/original Warhammer Quest models/miniatures as well as alternative Monsters from Games Workshop, Heresy and other miniature companies as well as the odd converted beastie as well!
Warhammer Quest - Daemons of Chaos - Blue and Pink Horrors of Tzeench
Close-up of the Orcs, the customised bases are made from spare parts from Warhammer models and custom molds
Warhammer Quest - - Monsters - Heresy Ogres
Warhammer Quest - Undead - Catacombs of Terror - The Dread King
Warhammer Quest - Undead - Skeleton Spearmen
Warhammer Quest - Undead - Skeleton Archers
Warhammer Quest - Orcs & Goblins - Orc Boyz
Giant Bats close-up, painted by Questing Knight
Minotaur, painted by Lumpin' Croop
Beasman Centigors, painted and converted by Questing Knight
Beasman Centigors, close-up, painted and converted by Questing Knight
Beasmen Gors, painted by Questing Knight
Chaos Flayerkin, painted by Questing Knight
Daemons of Chaos - Bloodletters, painted by Questing Knight
Minotaur, painted by Questing Knight
Norse Marauders, painted by Questing Knight
Flamers of Tzeench, painted by Questing Knight
Pink and Blue Horrors, painted by Questing Knight
Giant Bats, painted by Questing Knight. Particularly proud of the scenic flagstone bases!