Nov 152010
The Warriors are held up by a band of highwaymen, demanding that they hand over their valuables.
The Warriors can either hand over one random piece of Treasure or equipment each, or drive off the would-be robbers with a show of force.
If they choose to drive off the robbers, roll 1D6 on the following table for each Warrior:
- 1: Your Warrior is bested by the brigands, and knocked unconscious. When he wakes up, the fight is over and the brigands and D6 * 100 of his Gold are gone.
- 2: Your Warrior is bested by the brigands, and knocked unconscious. When he wakes up, the fight is over and the brigands and D6 * 50 of his Gold are gone.
- 3: Your Warrior slips on some loose footing, and knocked unconscious by the brigand he is fighting. When he wakes up, the fight is over and the brigands and D6 * 10 of his Gold are gone.
- 4: With a mighty display of his skills, the Warrior drives off the Brigands and nets D6 * 25 Gold
- 5: With a mighty display of his skills, the Warrior drives off the Brigands and nets D6 * 50 Gold
- 6: The Warrior defeats a mighty rogue in a savage duel without honour, eventually killing their foe and netting D6 * 100 Gold