This page generates one random Dungeon Event from the list of Warhammer Quest Dungeon Events here at the Imperial Vault. This is very useful for quickly generating Dungeon Events, as it avoids creating and rolling on custom Events tables, and you don’t have to squeeze all of the information and images onto a small card.
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Your Random Warhammer Quest Dungeon Event
The following random event has been generated:
With a savage thrust, your blade is battered out of your hand and sent spinning across the floor. Defenceless, you scramble frantically for your lost blade...
One Warrior chosen using the Warrior Counters looses his weapon, and must spend the rest of the turn gaining it back. Whilst without a weapon, all monsters are at +2 to hit you in combat, and you do not add your Strength to damage dealt to Monsters.
If the Warrior has an alternative weapon in his treasure/equipment, then they may elect to use it in place of seeking their original weapon, and therefore do not suffer the penalties in combat noted above. In this case, the dropped weapon is assumed to be recovered when all monsters are removed from the board section.