Random Warhammer Quest Dungeon Events


This page generates one random Dungeon Event from the list of Warhammer Quest Dungeon Events here at the Imperial Vault. This is very useful for quickly generating Dungeon Events, as it avoids creating and rolling on custom Events tables, and you don’t have to squeeze all of the information and images onto a small card.

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Your Random Warhammer Quest Dungeon Event

The following random event has been generated:


Tomb Chamber

As the Warriors move about, one of them steps on a false flagstone, which gives off an audible click. A section of the wall slides back to reveal a large room beyond. Take a Warrior counter to see who set off the secret lock and place a new doorway against any spare side of the board section that Warrior is on. If the Warriors explore through the new doorway place the Tomb Chamber Objective Room on the other side. This room contains three Events cards' worth of traps and Monsters. However, while in the Tomb Chamber a roll of 1 or 2 rolled in the Power Phase will mean an Unexpected Event has occurred. The Warriors all gain a piece of objective room treasure if they manage to clear out the Tomb Chamber. Refresh

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