Random Warhammer Quest Travelling Hazards
This page generates one random Travelling Hazard from the list of Warhammer Quest Travelling Hazards here at the Imperial Vault. This is very useful for quickly generating Travelling Hazards, as it avoids creating and rolling on custom Travelling Hazard tables, and you don’t have to squeeze all of the information and images onto a small card.
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Your Random Warhammer Quest Travelling Hazard
The following random event has been generated:
RefreshSwamp Gasses
The Warriors pass through a region of bleak swampland, and strange gasses from the swamp water assail them. Each Warrior must pass a Toughness Check (1d6 + Toughness, score 7 or higher) or is struck with severe nausea and is at -1 Toughness for the next adventure, unless they pay 1d6x100 to a healer at the next Settlement for a cure.Contributed by Delve Lord (http://whqepicquests.blogspot.com/)