Jun 272012
Photograph of rain drops hitting a puddle to illustrate the Warhammer Quest Settlement Event - Stinking Mire

Photograph of rain drops hitting a puddle to illustrate the Warhammer Quest Settlement Event - Stinking MireAfter a day of torrential rain the poorer streets are little more than muddy streams between the tenements, and an “out of towner” won’t know which streets hide the really deep pot holes…
You slip and drop your purse of gold down a particularly deep pothole, amounting to a loss of 1d6 x 20 x (Title*) Gold.

*Battle Leve 1 = 1, BL 2-4 = 2, BL 5-8 = 3, BL 9-10 = 4, corresponding to the titles Novice, Champion, Hero and Lord.

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