Jul 062012
Illustration of a black stone obelisk for the Warhammer Quest Hazard entitled "Dark Obelisk"

Illustration of a black stone obelisk for the Warhammer Quest Hazard entitled "Dark Obelisk"A dark obelisk has been raised in the hills, and the ground is littered with shards of what appears to be the same dark stone. Feeling unwell, the Wizard realises he cannot touch the Winds of Magic in these hills, and you fear what will happen if you press on through the shadow of that fearful dark monument.
If the party continue through the hills, the Wizard, Elf Ranger, Warrior Priest and other spell casters must make a WP test (1d6 + WP) requiring a total of 7+ to succeed. A fail indicates that their ability to affect the Winds of Magic has been affected. A Wizard starts the next game with half his Power Store used and earns one less point of Power per turn for the duration of the Adventure. Rangers, Priests and other spell casters that require a dice roll to cast spells suffer a penalty of -1 to cast for the duration of the Adventure.
If the party instead opt to avoid the area, then add 1d3 Weeks to the remaining journey time.

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