Jun 102011
Warhammer Quest Travelling Hazard - Merchant

Warhammer Quest Travelling Hazard - Merchant

A merchant wagon with an armed guard passes on the road, heading for a distant settlement. Upon seeing that the Warriors have coin and mean no harm, the merchant offers his wares for sale.
Roll 1d6 to see what kind of wares the merchant is selling, and again to see how well stocked his wagon is:
  • 1: Armourer
  • 2: Fletcher
  • 3: Weaponsmith
  • 4: Animal Trader
  • 5: General Store
  • 6: Gunsmith
Roll for stock as:
  • 1 -2: Village
  • 3-4: Town
  • 5-6: City

You may purchase goods from the trader just as if you were at the equivalent Trader in the settlement type rolled above, including rolls for quantity, stock, time wasting and so on.

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