Aug 042012
Image of fantasy pool of of sparkling clear water to illustrate the Warhammer Quest Travelling Hazard entitled Crystal Waters
Image of fantasy pool of of sparkling clear water to illustrate the Warhammer Quest Travelling Hazard entitled Crystal WatersYou spy a pool of cool, clear crystal waters and feel compelled to drink.
Each Warrior rolls 1d6:
1: Putrid – Despite appearances, the water tastes as if something dead has been left in there. You suffer -1 Toughness for the duration if the next Adventure.
2: Tainted – The water leaves a faint green sheen on your lips. You suffer -1 Starting Wound, permanently.
3: Clean – A refreshing drink leaves you with a spring in your step!
4-5: Pure – You feel so refreshed that you gain +1 Starting Wound permanently.
6: Blessed – All your attacks in the next Adventure count as Magical.

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