Oct 182011
Image of a rusty old padlock on a wooden door to illustrate the Warhammer Quest Dungeon Event - Padlocked Door

Image of a rusty old padlock on a wooden door to illustrate the Warhammer Quest Dungeon Event - Padlocked DoorThe door in front of you is held shut with a stout chain and a rusty padlock. What secrets lie beyond this portal that are worth locking away?
If the exit from this room is unexplored, then this door is padlocked shut. If there is only one doorway into this room, or all the exits have been explored, then choose a random unexplored doorway anywhere on the board to be the locked.
You may either leave without opening the door, or you may try to open the lock.
If any of the Warriors have Lock Tools or similar, then follow the rules for opening the lock as normal.
To kick the door down, two Warriors in contact with the door must make a Strength Test (1d6 + Str, 7+ to pass). If both Warriors pass, then you manage to kick the door down and you may continue to explore normally.
If a Warrior wants to try shooting the padlock, he may do so by making a successful BS roll To Hit using a Pistol or other powder-based weapon. There is a -1 To Hit penalty as you need to hit a very small area of the padlock from a safe enough distance. You must be at least 2 squares away from the lock to try this. A natural 1 on your To Hit dice results in one random Warrior on the same board section being hit by the wildly ricocheting shot.

However, in any turn a Warrior attempts to kick the door through or shoot the lock, an Unexpected Event will happen in the next Power Phase on a Roll of a 1 or 2, as the Monster are attracted to the noise you are making!

Once past the locked door, the next event that reveals Monsters will earn the Warriors an extra Treasure Card.

Draw another Event Card immediately.

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