Feb 212011

Without warning, hundreds of snakes suddenly drop into the room through carefully concealed holes in the roof. Each Warrior is quickly covered in a writhing mass of venomous serpents.
Roll 1D6 for each Warrior on the following table:
1-2 The snakes manage to bite your Warrior, finding chinks in even the toughest armour. He suffers 1D6 Wounds, with no modifiers for Toughness or armour. He cannot do anything for the rest of the turn, and any Monster who attacks him gets +1 on its to hit rolls. At the start of the next Warriors’ Phase, roll on this table again.
3-4 The names manage to bite your Warrior. He suffers 1D6 Wounds, with no modifiers for Toughness or armour. He then manages to free himself from the writhing mass and slashes the foul creatures to pieces.
5-6 Your Warrior nimbly avoids the snakes as they drop from above, killing them as they fall at his feet. The attacks has no effect.
Draw another Event card immediately.

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