Nov 042010
The Warriors find what looks to be the camp of outlaws, brigands or cultists that looks abandoned.
If you decide to search the camp, each Warrior should roll 1D6:
- 1-2: Your Warrior stumbles into a primitive trap and is badly hurt. You suffer -1 Movement for the next Adventure, start the game with D3 Wounds missing, and add one week to your journey time. The effects of this roll can be negated by paying a priestess of Shallya D6 * 10 Gold to tend to your wounds in the next Settlement instead of performing other activities that day.
- 3-4: Your Warrior finds D6 * 25 Gold in equipment that he can sell in any Settlement.
- 5-6: Your Warrior finds some stolen loot concealed under a loose stone, and may take one Treasure card.