Feb 212011

A dim light flickers in front of the Warriors, coalescing into the shadowy form of a ghostly man. He smiles grimly and beckons them on.
The Warriors are compelled to follow him. Roll 1D6 on the following table:
1 The Ghost leads the Warriors into a pit trap. Each Warrior takes 2D6 Wounds, with no modifiers for Toughness or armour. It takes three turns to climb out of the pit without a rope, but only one turn with it.
2-3 Roll 1D6 for each Warrior. The Warrior with the lowest score triggers off a trip wire, which fires a poison dart into his leg and causes 1D6 Wounds, with no modifiers for Toughness or armour.
4-6 The Ghost leads the Warriors to a concealed pile of gold, hidden in an alcove in the wall. Determine how much gold each Warrior finds using the Treasure Table in the Treasure section.

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